Construction started on record 18,000 new homes in April - Construction Network Ireland - Construction Network Ireland

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Published in Construction on 21/05/2024

Construction started on record 18,000 new homes in April

CNI reports

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage today published its monthly data on the number of Commencement Notices (residential construction starts) for April 2024. Highlights include:

  • The data shows a significant spike in activity with 18,182 homes commenced in April alone, up 605% on the same period of 2023.
  • This is by far the highest seen in any month since the series began in 2014 (the previous highest monthly figure ever was 4,969 In May 2021).
  • To date in 2024 (January to April), 30,138 new homes have begun construction – up 204% on the same four-month period of 2023. This figure for these four months of 2024 represents 92% of the total (32,801) for the whole of 2023.
  • In the last 12 months (May 2023 to April 2024) construction on 53,011 homes has commenced.

Reflecting on the figures and progress made, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD said:

“We have never before seen new home starts at this level and April’s numbers are hugely impressive. Indeed, so far in 2024, on average we have witnessed construction begin on approximately 350 new homes every working day.   It is quite clear that the development levy waiver and Uisce Éireann connection charge rebate, which were introduced last year, have helped to fast track greater activity and have made many more projects viable and I was happy to recently receive Cabinet approval to extend both of these. 

“While these numbers are truly record breaking, they will also be life-changing for the many new residents who will benefit from these projects when they are complete. An important element of the continuation of the waiver was the condition that the homes be completed by the end of 2026. Our interventions are starting to make a significant difference and we will continue to use every tool available to us to build on this momentum.”

Of the 18,182 units commenced in April 2024, 47% are scheme dwellings, 45% are apartments and 8% are for one-off units.

Of all the homes commenced last month, 33% were in the four Dublin local authorities. By local authority, the most units commenced were in Dublin City (2,656) followed by Cork City (2,394) and Fingal (1,500). With the exception of Monaghan (which still had an impressive 85% increase), all local authorities have seen at least a doubling (more than 100% increase) in commencements from April 2023 to April 2024 with some growing by more than 10 times.

The full commencement data set can be accessed at: Construction Activity Statistics